Review of King Kong

King Kong (2005)
A rousing remake. Didn't look at my watch once.
25 December 2005
My wife and myself just came back from seeing the King Kong remake on Christmas day. This is not my wife's genre and yet, she was completely captivated.

Other than Kong, there were no hero's in this movie. It was very much like the first in concept, but taken to a new and sometimes over the top level by CGI. But as with the original, King Kong revolves around the relationship between a lonely warrior ape, a young lost depression era gal and the exploitation of a callous humanity.

As corny as it sounds, there wasn't a sound from the audience throughout the movie. You could sense their involvement and undoubtedly a sense of being drawn into what is probably one of the most well known Greek tragedies in the cinema.

When the movie ended, the audience broke into applause followed by throngs of the silent and emotionally drained leaving a theater broken hearted.

King Kong was a true hero in the classic tradition. He lived his life on his own terms and died in the same way, departing an alien world with heroism and class. He personified the savage primate who found a heart.

What a heartbreaking rush. We went home and hugged our dog.

9 out of 10
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