For non-Mormons, that one is
27 December 2005
Like all HaleStorm productions Home Teachers is a satirical, sometimes cynical view on Mormon life, but unlike "Singles Ward" and "The R.M." You do not have to know too much about the Mormon culture to find this movie funny. There is a lot of Chris-Farley-like screaming total destruction of things, slapstick humor as well as two great stand-up comedians in the leads, complementing each other perfectly. The standup quality of the two leads can best be seen in the outtakes on the DVD, where Jeff Birk especially does some bits that are totally out of his character, deliberately ruined the take, but are a lot of fun to watch now. So if You want a humorous look at the Mormon culture, or just watch a clean, stupid comedy, go for this movie. If You want a more serious approach and/or a brilliant thriller, go for Brigham City.
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