City Hunter (1993)
Jackie Chan and Wong Jing a meeting of the minds
12 January 2006
This movie is very silly than again it is a Wong Jing film a man who has made a living out of plunging new depths silliness. Jackie Chan Made this film back to back with Chi Kirk Wongs "Crime Story" the polar opposite of the slapstick fare of City Hunter.

City Hunter is much more a Wong Jing film than a Jackie Chan film which has both it's good and bad points. Wong Jing set design and color combinations deserving high praise also his use of humor complements Jackie Chan's style very well. The inventiveness of Wong Jing makes your head spin sometimes but there are some true gems the Bruce lee inspired fight is an excellent way to again bring these two legends together.

Fans of Jackie Chan will be surprised by some of the casual gun play and sexual innuendo which are usually big no-no's in Chan but common in Wong Jing films. Wong Jing's Slapsick humor carries the film but bring's down Chan's usual stunt's and brilliant fight choreography which is the biggest disappointment of the film. Richard Norton is brilliant as Don Mac and Garry Daniels and this is main problem Chan is teamed with two brilliant martial art fighters and most fights fall flat although the final battle is worth the wait.

Special mention must be made of the audio commentary on the HKL DVD by expert Bey Logan adds a new layer to the film the man sure does know his stuff. City Hunter is definitely a odd film in the Chan catalog but is still highly enjoyable slapstick fun
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