Review of Rough Draft

Rough Draft (1998)
latenight laughfest
16 January 2006
I don't know why everyone is so harsh towards this movie. I saw this movie really late at night on one of the "premium" channels, and by the end my side hurt from all the laughing. Often time one is reminded of a modern day Ed Wood with this films script and production values. As I don't want to ruin any of the film for you, I would be remissed if I didn't mention how funny the scene where Gary Busey's character is running through the streets. As mentioned by another, the scene is done with a stand in, in a ridiculous wig. The scene was shot totally guerilla style during some sort of nighttime festival on the streets of a very "New Orleanish" city. Basically the standin in the wig runs into various groups of people while Busey's voice is dubbed in yelling things. This was sort a high point for the film when its truth was laid out there for all to see.If you can imagine how funny this scene would be then this film might hold some value to you.
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