'Made a good transition from the original series to the motion pictures
24 January 2006
The original "Star Trek" was never a ratings powerhouse, but it had a devoted fan base, thus encouraging Paramount to try a Saturday morning spin-off. The series, though crudely drawn in spots, benefited from superb writing, the vocal talents of most of the original cast, and a score that had its exciting moments.

Some of the best episodes were "The Slaver Weapon," an installment that featured Uhura and Sulu in prominent roles (much more than the original series ever did); "The Jihad" (In order to avert a galactic conflict, Kirk leads a team of aliens to find a sacred item); "How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tongue" (The Enterprise is held captive by a space-faring serpent-creature that served as a "god" to primitive Earth peoples); the Peabody-winning "Yesteryear," wherein Spock goes back in time to correct an inconsistency; and the amusing "More Tribbles, More Tribbles," a sequel to the classic original episode.

Not only did all but one of the original cast members supply their voices but guest stars Roger C. Carmel ("Harry Mudd"), Stanley Adams ("Cyrano Jones") and Majel Barrett ("Nurse Chapel") return in their respective roles.
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