What, No Organ-Cart??
27 January 2006
SHIBUYA YAKUZA MASSACRE: When I first saw this movie on TV - and the movie seemed to be heavily cut (Organ-cart scene), I only thought that Japan is really a nation with the where-with-all and the ability to create something special and unique. The fighting scenes looked sometimes very improvised, but were in fact strongly choreographed and filmed in a stylish way that gave you an intense feeling while watching them. But there were also scenes where I unfortunately didn't get the point. For example:

1.)The ex-cop is sitting in a restaurant, his wife and daughter are at the restroom, so he is waiting. Then a cut and suddenly everybody in the restaurant has disappeard - no guests can be seen anymore, no waiters and so on. The wife and the daughter come back and the action begins... and where is the rest? That was definitely a directional flaw.

2.)When the man with the rain-boots comes home he sees his daughter - all fine. He goes in the room of his son, but he can't even see, that his son is lying dead in the bed. His wife has obviously left him, so he is phoning a prostitute and 2 secs later the action begins again. Exscuse me, but that's terribly directed.

3.)The mistress is attacked by the two hit men, escaping in a restroom, waiting there behind a door made of wood. The hit men fire through the door, they scream and seconds later, the hit men are away. That's sheer nonsense in my opinion... The characters seem to be underdeveloped. What's up with their background story, anyway? Nothing can be found... Especially the Chinese bookie. I Still don't know what's up with that person. So yeah, that is clearly another directorial blurb.

I bought this crap in chinatown, thinking WOW! A Yakuza Video $5. I am a fan so I had to buy it. Little did I know it turned out to be a little bit too far out for me. Since director Miike (NIPPON UNDERWORLD) seems preoccupied with homo-erotic themes, phallic symbols, and anal buttplugs. My advice don't get it. I have since, given this movie to a fruity guy next door. Instead get Gozu or Killer Klowns.

First and last an interesting movie, with a scene wherein a cart full of organs gets overturned in a tussle, that seems to be missing from all known prints...
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