Half Light (2006)
I assume you're watching this for Demi . . . .
7 February 2006
I'm really writing in generalities on this one, because any detailed discussion would almost certainly require a SPOILER, which I'm deliberately avoiding.

But I'll give this one an overall 7, with probably an 8 for Demi herself. I definitely wouldn't put this on a level with "Passion of Mind" (2000), but "Passion" is simply one of my all-time favorites and Craig Rosenberg is no Alain Berliner. Still, it's a pretty decent story and substantially better than "The Juror" (where Demi turned in an Oscar-worthy performance in a second rate movie).

Supposedly one reason that this movie was released direct-to-DVD for the US market was a concern that US audiences would have trouble with the Scottish accents. Personally, I'm hard of hearing and definitely do have trouble with accents in general, but in this case I found the dialog fairly easy to follow. This was fortunate, however, because the DVD includes Spanish subtitling but no English subtitles! Haven't the producers (distributors?) ever heard of captioning??? Also, Demi's character is "Rachel Carlson" but the case identifies her as "Rachel Carson" (the "L" omitted in the last name). In other words, the whole DVD production is a little bit cheesy, with no "extras" included (other than trailers). I bought the DVD because I'm someone who used to dislike Demi intensely until "Passion of Mind" turned me into a super-fan, but the odds are that you probably won't do a lot of "repeat viewing" of this movie unless you really want to study Demi's performance, because once you know the ending the story itself might fall a little flat on a second viewing.

But then, you probably wouldn't be watching "Half Light" in the first place if you weren't interested in Demi.
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