Review of Smart Money

Smart Money (1986)
Not the best BBC production ever made
12 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
No real spoilers, but I like to watch my back.

I remember being made to watch this in IT at secondary school. I couldn't remember much about it, but I do recall someone getting their throat cut, a crap sex scene, it being about hackers, and the title being something like Smart Money (which it is, funnily enough...). Not a lot to go on admittedly, but I now at least know for certain. It wasn't very good as I recall.

Looks like Bernard Rose (Candyman) liked Alexandra Pigg. He used her in a few films. Perhaps he was a fan of Brookside?

Despite having seen him in many productions, I'd never realised Bruce Payne was actually British. I should have noticed, since he's always playing villains in B-Movies like Passenger 57, Highlander: Endgame, and Warlock III.

Seeing this was a BBC film makes me wonder exactly who decides what our licence fee gets spent on...
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