Probably the most INSANE sequel EVER!
20 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Those Italians. You gotta hand it to them. When they decide to do (unofficial) sequels or shameless rip-offs, they always have to exaggerate things. Look at, for example, Fulci's ZOMBI 2 or the countless JAWS rip-offs. But in a way, to us horror-buffs, that's a good thing. So here we have PATRICK VIVE ANCORA, an unofficial sequel to the effective but bloodless Australian(!) psycho-thriller PATRICK. You can say that it's a sequel in name only, 'cause the prologue to this completely retarded plot shows us Patrick's suddenly living in Italy, having a freak accident and going into a coma. The film-makers not only completely ignore the events in the previous film, they also replace Robert Thompson, who originally played Patrick, by a different Italian actor. I expected no less, to be honest. The rest of this insanely demented plot goes like this. Patricks lies in a coma in a big mansion. Daddy invites a bunch of strangers into the mansion. Patrick uses psychokinetic powers to kill them all. Why? Supposedly one of the guests was responsible for his accident. Do we find out who? No. Does the story have a point? No. Does this movie end? Yes. How? They ran out of film.

But I gotta tell ya one thing: This movie hits 10 out of 10 on the sleaze & gore-o-meter. Director Mario Landi succeeds with only one film in what Jess Franco couldn't even accomplish throughout his whole career: The perfect mix between sleaze and gore. You gotta see this to believe it. If you're under 18 years of age, you have to stop reading NOW!!! All the women run around naked for apparently no reason. One chick even gratuitously masturbates under the mental influence of Patrick. Then there's the gore. There's plenty and it looks cheap but it's loads of fun. The highlight is undoubtedly the 'impalement-through-vagina'-scene. And since all you sick puppies liked it so much ('cause I read about it in almost every single comment), I'm gonna list you some other movies containing scenes which show different ways on how to mutilate a vagina: Lucio Fulci's THE NEW YORK RIPPER, Ruggero Deodato's CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, Buddy Cooper's THE MUTILATOR, Pierre B. Reinhard's THE REVENGE OF THE LIVING DEAD GIRLS and Andreas Schnaas' VIOLENT SH!T II. Lucio Fulci's RIPPER and Deodato's HOLOCAUST are the only "good" movies and Andreas Schnaas piece of excrements should be banned, 'cause that guy's so deranged he belongs in a mental hospital. Woow, I'm getting pretty offensive here. But so are those movies.

Anyway, back to PATRICK VIVE ANCORA. Like I said: Highly recommended for sleaze & gore-fans but also for lovers of extremely bad and pointless movies. Because it's insane and hilarious. Just look when those big eyes on a green background with the psychedelic sounds come on. Ooooooooh scary! Unbelievable! So much fun, but a cinematographic masterpiece this ain't. But, excuse me now, I'm off in search for Landi's GIALLO A VENEZIA.
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