The hillbilly anthem of the year
13 March 2006
Back in 1977, horror master Wes Craven released upon the film world a low budget horror experience called "The Hills Have Eyes" which helped revolutionized the horror genre. After the film's release, Wes Craven's career had become a hit or miss directing crappy films(Scream 3) to highly influential genre pics(A Nightmare on Elm Street). 29 years later, what many consider to be Wes Craven's finest moment in his film career is brought back to life with the 2006 remake called "The Hills Have Eyes" of the same name.

This movie is brought to you by none other than Alexandre Aja who directed the shockingly gruesome gore fest "High Tension" last year. The same as "High Tension" Aja is a master when it comes to splatter, gore and truly capturing tension on screen.

I have not seen the original "hills" so I cannot compare it to this one. While this is not the best horror movie or movie in general in the whole wide world, it is fairly entertaining. The plot might be a little ludicrous but what it lacks in a simple, contrived plot it surely makes up through it's direction and cinematography. Aja is truly a master of this genre and when he starts creating thrills, he doesn't let up.

Many people might complain that this film was too heavily edited and has to many quick cuts but I feel that this works to this film's advantage because it truly emphasizes the tension that I think Aja was going for.

I recommend anybody to see this movie. I don't normally see horror movies a lot in the theaters and this will probably be one of the better horror movies released this year.
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