Death Train (2003 Video)
this movie sucks ass!
15 March 2006
I saw this movie on the Spanish network Telefutura and without knowing a single word anyone was saying (it was dubbed into Spanish), I immediately remembered that I had already seen this movie some years before. It was a waaaaaaay better movie starring a not so great, out of work, washed up action star named Stevn Seagal. As a matter of fact, this movie is just a blatant rip-off of 'Under Siege 2', a movie I actually like. It's basically a B-movie remake of a superior studio produced B-movie....which was a sequel to another B-movie. Seagal's 'Under Siege' films have become classics in their own right partly due to the fact that he actually used to be a star. But who the hell are these people anyways? Really, tell me...I don't know! Maybe if I cared to do my research I would know. But frankly, I just don't give a crap. This movie isn't worth my time and it ain't worth yours. 'Death Train' is dead on the tracks. Maybe it will be on Telefutura again. Wanna check it out? At least it's free and you can change the channel.
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