Review of Phase IV

Phase IV (2002)
Think beyond what the media and government "tell" you
25 March 2006
I enjoyed the movie. Think of why a company, with stockholders, is in business. They are in business to produce a profit, which means to provide a consumable item, and continue to have "repeat" consumers. Drug companies are the same. They also have a lot of money, power, and a powerful lobby. It has been said that they control the FDA. There are cures for virtually all diseases, however, not by FDA definition. Cures can only come from "drugs". Natural herbs can not be a "cure" because they can not be patented, and therefore be a cure. No one is going to spend the billion dollars to get FDA approval for a herb that costs pennies or a couple dollars. Spending 1 billion to create a drug which has a slightly different make up, and selling it for $20+ per pill, only makes financial sense for a drug company. So, if they stumble on a cure, you can bet your bottom dollar, it will never see the light of day. You have to wonder how many government officials are shareholders of drug companies and have influence. Don't believe the drug ads too much, except the part they have to list the "complications" that may arise. So, I believe this movie to be one to open the eyes of the viewer. Much like Erin Brockovich and other "expose" movies and books.
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