27 March 2006
If you see this movie and like it, it says some scary things about the rigour of your mental processes.

You really only need to know four things:

1) The movie purports to be truth, not fiction.

2) You have to believe in mediums, Atlantis, and spirit channeling to buy into the premise, since the core of the movie is a 35,000-year-old Atlantean Cro-Magnon channeled through a new-age spiritualist.

3) The experts are either are new-age loonies (not scientists), misquoted, or quoted in a misleading fashion. It is impossible to be a reputable scientist and to support the film's assertions.

4) They have the physics wrong. Quantum indeterminism does not manifest itself on a macro-scale, only at the quantum level. That's why it's called QUANTUM indeterminism.

This movie could be fun if it was fiction (after all, some of the elements sound a lot like StarGate plots), but they are dead serious: they want you to believe what they say, and Ramtha's School of Enlightenment wants your money.

You wanna see some real miracles? Go buy the boxed DVD set of Nova.
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