missed a member of the crew!
28 March 2006
My son Ruben Kraaijeveld worked on this movie for 4 weeks while we lived in Prague, acting as one of Gaugain's sons. I see all the other kids named in the crew listing: Jan, Emil and Pauline, but his name is missing. That's a real shame, since he worked hard for it and was only 9 (!) at the time. Movie itself I can't rate, we've been trying for years to get a copy but to no avail. Now I am going to look even harder, there must be a way to see my own kid play!!! He's been in a movie before, an Italian one that only showed in Italy and we also couldn't see. So I'd like to get info on both movies, Paradise Found and "The inverse canon" or "Canone Inverso", which was the Italian title of the movie. Anyone out there that can help maybe??? Thanks!
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