* *1/2 Out Of Five
29 March 2006
This time the cadets (Guttenberg, Smith,Winslow, Graf,Ramsey and Maher etc) get their first assignments and just in time since a crime wave (Led by the always welcome Bobcat Goldthwait) is terrorizing the city, also the cadets help their new chief Lassard (Howard Hesseman) remain the chief since Mauser (Metrano) is looking to take over in this adequate comedy which for the most part remains true to the formula. What people often times don't notice is how this one tries to parody cop thrillers, although this is an angle that should've been explored more carefully and in the end it becomes nothing but slapstick humor. Of course with our new wave of comedy coming out in the 21st century, this has actually gotten better with age because this comedy is generally good natured and funnier than most of the utterly awful stuff called comedy in the 21st century. (Date Movie and Freddy Got Fingered for one) Still this is all stupid but there are good amount of chuckles here.

2.5/5 Matt Bronson
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