A tragic life - A tragic death
9 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Based on a true story from 1930, The Pyjama Girl Case is a difficult movie to categorize. It is more often than not considered an Italian Giallo, but is it really a Giallo? Even though I've included it on my Top 50 Giallo list, The Pyjama Girl Case differs so much from the model that I'm not sure this label is accurate. There is no black-gloved, masked killer. There is no string of over-the-top murders. The Pyjama Girl Case lacks the stylish look of most Gialli. And, there is no sense of dread or real tension usually associated with the genre. So, why do I include The Pyjama Girl Case on my list of favorite Gialli – this is not a good answer, but I do it because everyone else does.

If it's not a real Giallo, then what is The Pyjama Girl Case? I would say it best fits in the drama category with touches of a police procedural thrown in for good measure.

The Pyjama Girl Case is the story of a mysterious half-burned body found in an abandoned car on a beach. In addition to being burned, the body also shows signs of severe head trauma and a bullet through the neck. The case is particularly interesting to Inspector Thompson (Ray Milland), a retired detective wanting one last case to investigate. Using outdated techniques and very few clues, he is determined to find the killer before he rides off into the sunset. I disagree with a lot of what I've read and feel Milland is one of the films weak points. His crotchety old man routine is rather predictable. His Inspector Thompson is the cliché for the "non-conforming just because I'm old" type character.

The Pyjama Girl Case's structure can be off-putting to some. In addition to the police investigation, the film also features a concurrent look at the events leading up to the girl's death. It can be confusing at first because of the uncertainty of what's going on, who these people are, and how they relate to each other. But everything works out in the end and all the pieces fall into place. The girl's story is a tragic one. Her life is a series of miserable events (a bad marriage, a miscarriage, a string of unfulfilling relationships, etc.) all leading to her brutal murder. The girl is played by Dallia Di Lazzaro in a very memorable and believable performance. She gives her character a sense of depth not often found in Italian movies of this sort. She is easily the highlight of the movie for me.
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