Silent Hill (2006)
silent hill lacking thrill?
24 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This was the only video game adaption i was actually looking forward to watching on the big screen. Of all that came before it wherem to be honest, poor, albeit Super Mario bros, street fighter, and the god awful House of the dead. I have been a fan of the games since the first came out on play station, and absolutely loved the eerie atmosphere and cheap scares it delivered by the boat load. So as soon as i heard that this was to be the premise for a big budget movie i was both enthralled and worried, worried that they would make a mess of such a good basic idea. The idea of a parent and young daughter in a car, when suddenly they have a crash, parent wakes up to find the daughter missing so she looks for her around a deserted town, with scares a plenty. The movie writers decided to go too much in the same direction of the game, with the darkness taking over the world, little blobs moving and huge people with metal pyramids covering the heads whilst wielding huge, and i mean huge swords. This comes across a bit daft in films and reminded me a little of the hell-raiser films at one point. When you think about it, it doesn't make much sense at all, and going into the whole, good/bad soul of a young girl and making them alive just isn't comprehend able. Some of the dialogue and acting is horrible as well, just wait until Radha Mitchell finds her daughters pictures of burning buildings and witches in the backseat of her car and her daughter going "it wasn't me, i don't like it mummy, i don't like it" it went through me, horrible horrible acting. The ending is strange as well, and i believe i heard at least 10 people ask "what the hell was going on". The movie did have some good scenes though, for example the group of nurses who are drawn to the light is brilliantly set. The town of Silent Hill is spot on as well, it does look the part, and the buildings themselves have their own and great personality. The movie is quite entertaining but too me it was incredibly disappointing, if David Fincher made this i believe it would have been amazing. This movie will be a hit and adored with all male virgins though, so if it gets a high rating, the virgins have seen it and voted
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