Review of H

H (2002)
26 April 2006
I love Korean and other Asian films, and I watch a lot of them. But this is one that I wish I hadn't bothered with.

As per usual, the visuals in this film are fantastic, and the editing tries to be as distorting and uncomfortable as that in 'A Tale of Two Sisters' and other successful types. However, the failure of this film remains in some of the most overreacted acting and clichéd story plot elements that quite shamelessly steals from thrillers such as 'Silence of the Lambs'.

The male lead is so desperate for an Oscar he shakes in anger or fear in almost every scene that involves conversations - most particularly the interrogation scenes involving an older case killer (Hannible Lector wannabe) who is more homosexual-coming-onto-a-straight-man scary instead of him being a psychological mind F-ing threat.

The female lead is also too detached most of the time and the film gives very little back story to sympathise for and nothing lovable about her to convince us to root for her.

Further more, the music and sound effects make some of the most dire and unoriginal attempts to make things more sinister. Whenever the filmmakers want you shaken or disturbed they'll add in those sharp violin or metal scrape sounds to bring out emotion to the audience, but only making scenes seem more cheesy, camp or like a parody of the genre as well as being placed so predictably I could hear them in my head seconds before they happened.

There are television murder mystery thrillers with more maturity and involvement in this. I seriously suggest looking somewhere else.
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