Pocahontas (I) (1995)
Absolute Rubbish
27 April 2006
The historical facts are that John Smith and Pocahontas never had any kind of romantic affair and in fact she married a white man named Rolfe. There is absolutely no mention of a romance between the two in any primary source of the time. See Smith's "A Generall Historie" from 1624 for the most complete primary account. The myth of a romance was a creation of romance writers who felt the need to narrativize the relationship between the two into something that would sell. In reality, she was an ambassador for her people and even traveled to England to meet the queen, with Rolfe. So if Disney and the like want to make some movie about a white guy and native woman in love-great go for it-but that is no reason to distort history for our kids, whose parents are most likely not informed enough themselves to contradict the movie.
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