Review of Funny Ha Ha

Funny Ha Ha (2002)
definitely worth seeing
3 May 2006
Before I saw this movie, the only thing I heard was that there was no real plot line and that I would hate the major characters because of their inability to move on from their irresponsible adolescent lives, or something to that effect. After viewing the film, I can say that nothing is further from the truth. I sympathized with most of the characters, especially Marnie. She is unhappy with her life, but not in an over-dramatic depressing way, but rather a more realistic "nothing is changing and I am doing the same old stuff" kind of way. Her repeated but failed attempts to stimulate some kind of change was something I related to.

I also really appreciated the movie's almost home video-like quality. The movie is about what life is really like, and I think the style could not have been more appropriate. There are some moments when the lack of effects or music really makes the emotional impact that much harder, albeit subtler.

Of course, not everyone will appreciate this movie. I think in some ways viewers have to be able to relate the situations and characters and attitudes of the characters to their own lives in order to appreciate it fully. If your life is constantly exciting and never awkward or seemingly aimless, you may not enjoy it as much as I did.
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