The Oblongs (2001–2002)
A Very Funny Poke at Our Society!
6 May 2006
This is a great show- a little more shocking than The Simpsons, but just as many silly inside jokes. Definitely Adult humour.

If you can accept that the show pokes fun at every taboo they can think of, then you're set! It's silly, and if you're offended by off-colour, shock humour, then just don't watch it. Hopefully one day there will be more episodes made- maybe it can air on Showcase or release to DVD where censoring peoples can't mess with it! I don't think the show is trying to convey any specific messages. Rather, it just hilariously pokes fun to the utmost extreme at our Western society's extremes and faults within.

Jean Smart is Fabulous as Pickles! All of the characters voices are very well done and generally don't bring to mind the actor doing the voice. Though Will Ferrell's voice is pretty distinct he's able to blend with his character enough that you can enjoy the show and not be thinking about the actor and what other shows they've done! (Like most of the Cartoon animated movies out these days with big name starts in the leads) Milo and Bobby Hill are certainly similar voices but Pamela Segal Aldon twists it enough that it isn't too distracting.

Two Thumbs Up!
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