Review of Benji

Benji (1974)
2 separate movies--one great, one awful
6 May 2006
"Benji" plays as two separate movies. The first hour is some of the highest quality family entertainment imaginable. The opening scene is made to look the opening of "The Mary Tyler Moore Show." It's a hilarious parody as we see this little dog being liberated into a human world. We follow Benji through his daily routine and it's delightful, often hilarious. Sure, some of the human actors are a tad nauseating, but the canines take control and that's all that matters. Benji and his girlfriend Tiffnay have a very sweet relationship, very reminiscent of "Lady and the Tramp." But when that first hour is over, so is the fun. Suddenly, a new movie starts--a ridiculous heist film. "The French Connection" on four legs? I don't think so.
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