Review of Local Color

Local Color (2006)
Heartfelt, beautiful
16 May 2006
"Local Color" is a wonderful gem of a film with powerful themes, complex characters who struggle with their fears and shortcomings, and a story that anyone who has ever felt intimidated by their dreams while at the same time wanting so badly for them to come true can relate to. The film draws you in gently, makes you laugh, makes you feel the longing and frustration of the characters, and takes you along a beautifully realized and genuinely heartfelt journey of self-discovery. The lead character is faced with many difficult challenges as he struggles to become a respected painter, but as the film progresses he finds his voice and the ability to confidently express his feelings on canvas. He is awkward at first, and wholly relatable in his fumblings, but by the time he finds the courage to paint with conviction, the audience soars with him. A wonderful film!
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