It's true, it's pretty bad.
19 May 2006
But it's not as bad as I've heard some people make it out. Some people claim that the entire film, from start to finish, is one big turd. That's not quite so. There are some nice shots and... well, Jürgen Prochnow is in it. But that's it.

Apparently, there is a large rave on a big island in the middle of nowhere and a group of teens want to get to it. So they pay a strange fisherman (Prochnow) to get them there. When they arrive, they realize (well, at least one of them does) that something is out of place. That's right, something is out of place. The entire rave is empty, yet only one of the characters seem bothered by this.

Soon they are attacked by zombies and team up with other people to survive this hellish night. Or something like that.

Why did I watch this film? Because I wanted some zombie action. I wanted to see some people be bitten, scream and turn into zombies. To bad the zombies in this film are nothing like ordinary zombies. Forget anything you think you know about zombies. These guys are not tough. They're pushovers. Shoot them anywhere, and they go down. Also, they're fast. And they fight, with weapons and karate moves! As a matter of fact, these zombies are like ordinary humans except that they don't talk. It could have been any action movie out there, but just replaced the bad guys wardrobe with lots of rotting flesh.

The dialog is some of the worst I've ever heard. It's so ridiculous, and when coming out of these actor's mouths I can't help but to smile. It's really stupid, and laughable. But the problem with this film is that it's very dull. It's no "Plan 9 from Outer Space" where you can sit back and enjoy the lack of brains. It's just dull. The plot, the characters, the monsters. Everything! There's a lot of strange things going on as well. For example, there's a ten minute long action scene with people just shooting zombies in "cool" ways. Sure, could have worked for a minute or two. But for TEN MINUTES?! You'll be tempted to fast forward through that, trust me. Especially since it's very stupid. A bunch of rave teens suddenly turn into Neo, Trinity and Morpheus and karate kick, bullet-time jump and blast their way through hordes of zombies. And I mean, hordes! There must have been at least a hundred zombies or so killed in that sequence alone, if not more! Between scenes, there's shots from the game. It makes no sense, but they are there. Suddenly, computer graphics (from the game) pop up on the screen and you wonder what the hell is going on. Don't worry, it's just a scene transition.

One of the most boring films I've ever seen, and even so there's always something happening. That's when you know there's something wrong. But in all fairness, I HAVE seen worse films. There are a couple of stylished shots that look cool and since you walk in with low expectations you probably won't be that disappointed.

I give it a three. It's bad, it's not worth watching, but I've seen worse.
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