Love Monkey (2006)
What a shame...
30 May 2006
What a shame it is that great shows like Love Monkey don't hit home with more people. I understand that some people may think only New Yorkers or hardcore music fans (I am one of each) would truly enjoy this show, but a certain "show about nothing" consisting of 4 friends in NYC and was somewhat yuppie-ish did pretty well for 9 years. Tom is completely believable as a somewhat high-strung, neurotic protagonist, albeit one who has great morals and is the kind of friend any guy or girl would treasure. The development of the supporting characters, particularly Shooter and Brinn, is also something rarely seen in a series. The cameos (and supporting roles) by both famous as well as up-and-coming musicians really adds value to the musical premise of the show. Because of Love Monkey, I am going to see both Tedy Geiger and Aimee Mann play this summer, one added bonus of watching this masterpiece. I am clinging to the hope that VH1 will give this show another run next year, maybe 6 or 8 episodes? Even if only 1 or 2 million watch an episode, any cable network (especially one as committed to musical knowledge and development as VH1) can justify airing a show like this. I will buy this DVD the minute it comes out and try to get as many friends as possible to realize what they missed; hopefully they and I will get another opportunity to appreciate Love Monkey again.
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