Review of Pi

Pi (1998)
One of the originals
31 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
One young man has the ability to find god through math. Will it unlock the secrets of the universe, or will it drive him insane? Are the events he witnesses really happening, or are they all in his head? This film seems to be constructed for the sole purpose of baffling whomever sees it, and it fails as much as it succeeds but is none the less an interesting little movie. The orthodox Jews want the numerical code for god so they can be all powerful. They believe so blindly that they are chosen to resurrect their deity that they overlook that maybe our main character doesn't care about it one way or another. I couldn't help but notice the subtle allusion to Martin Scorsesse's The Last Temptation of Christ where god is presented to Jesus in the form of a splitting headache. Our main mathematical genius suffers from the same ailment, hmmmm.... Perhaps he is in the same predicament; chosen to complete some biblical prophecy when he really doesn't want anything to do with it. His death at the end was both graphic and graceful as he power drills himself in the head and ends up in his idea of heaven where he does not know all the answers and the pain is gone. There religious metaphors abound in Pi with the most obvious being the overt allusions to Christ by way of our main mathman. People may like this film or hate it, but much hard work and ingenuity were necessary to bring this unique vision to the screen so the average person can pick it apart. It is hard to say what makes a great movie because everyone has a different opinion, but if a film can touch you, be it on an emotional, visceral, intellectual, or philosophical level then it is well worth your time.
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