Close to Home (2005–2007)
Good o very good actors and actresses with very poor writers
9 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this series. I normally would since there is quite a bit to like about it. At first when I found so many problems, I kept thinking that it was me who was not paying close enough attention. Within a few weeks (of giving it another shot each week after watching the pilot) I finally decided that its weak writing was not from my missing something or that they ran out of creative ideas. The whole style of this show is intentionally written for a demographic that knows very little about the technical and legal issues in "th real world" and unfortunately this also includes anyone that has made it through more than a few CSI and or Law and Order shows. In short, this show is for viewers weaning off of daytime soaps and it perhaps watching this series in preparation for understanding Law and Order, SVU (the least realistic L & O variant).

It really is sad because the cast is really excellent. They also get some strong (some times too strong, or strong in the wrong areas) to play defense attorneys).

The show seems to intentionally open with the 1) The same suburban setting with a small town DA that works closely with the staff of 2 gorgeous young ADAs. On the other hand, there seems to be a huge detective division for such a small DAs office. That is complete knit picking to show how forgiving I am. The stories always start out with outrageous "Urban" crimes happening "Close to (Suburban) Home(s)" Get it? OK, so the case always looks like a "cakewalk" for the ADA staff in the first 10 or 15 minutes of the show. After that the case falls apart because of one unrealistic "problem with the case" or another. These problems are always stupid and seen from a thousand miles away. This goes back and forth for the about next 30 minutes.

By the time the clock gets close to 45 or 50 past the hour, the resolution can be seen easily and the show always concludes with several minutes of the young ADA at home in the 'burbs with her new baby and young husband contemplating the lesson.

The worst part is that at the end of the first season (a few weeks ago) the star of the show arrived home to find her husband (and I think her baby too) killed from a car wreck or a fire. Normally I would not be so uncaring about the details but I had already given up on the series. I really like the cast though and there is nothing else on TV at the time so I watch it while surfing the web some times.

If you have also seen this show and wondered what it was that was bothering you, it is not you. It is the show's writers. They suck intentionally.
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