The end-all be-all 3rd date...
12 June 2006
This film has an odd effect on people. Some are bored because it details their own dating life so perfectly, yet others crack up laughing because of the same reason. But that's generally why we like slice-of-life movies, because we can relate to them. Even though I first saw this when I was 13, I found it amusing anyway (sex-bomb O'Toole didn't hurt either). But as I got older and into the dating/relationship scene, the film then became even funnier. We all have our white lies, and secrets, and hesitations because we think this person we like so much will run away screaming if we open up about our bad habits or truths. This is carried out perfectly by Short and O'Toole, in a sort of My Dinner With Andre atmosphere. They grapple with if they should have sex or not after three dates, and also things they are concealing from each other. Short moreso, as his scheme to impress her turns into one tap dance after another. Borrowing a friend's car and apartment, and hiding the fact that he just got canned at work. Short shines during these moments, when a suspicious O'Toole questions him about things that don't seem tied to his character. The film will lag here and there for you, but if you lived this stuff, it should provide a lot of fun. And it being the late 80s, the safe-sex angle is played up big time, complete with a magazine survey that O'Toole hatches on Short. He actually does pretty well as a romantic lead, and O'Toole....hoo, boy. Young and old males alike will fall for her character big time. Charming, busty, and sexy, all in one. A great score as well, with pop songs and a catchy harmonica score. Track this lost gem down if you can.
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