Great cast and fantastic dialogue
15 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie combines fantastic sharp-tongued dialogue with an exceptionally talented cast. The exchanges of insults, arguments and egos draws you straight into the storyline. Kevin Spacey, at his usual gifted self, combines parts of characters from his other movies such as "Swimming with Sharks" and "Glengary Glen Ross" to give a power-house performance as the ultimate salesman. Dany Devito however steals the show and put's in one of his best performances as a middle-aged salesman beginning to understand what's really important in life. Peter Facinelli, whom I've never seen in any other movie, is completely believable as a rookie trying to learn the ropes from the best in the trade. Being surrounded by giants such as Spacey and Devito, you can see this young actor is really intimidated, but uses it to his advantage to make his character more vulnerable than the others. The trade-offs between him and Spacey are mesmerising.

Set against the backdrop of a hotel, the three main characters try everything to land the biggest client of their sales careers. The desperate salesman theme is explored in all it's forms, as is the experienced Vs rookie theme. Combined with an outstanding script, this makes for one of the most intellectually engaging and brilliantly acted performances in this genre.

Without boring the audience, each character is given exceptional depth and allows you to relate to how they feel. Each character experiences a roller-coaster of emotions, upsets and victories.

Ultimately, I find parallels between this film and one of Devito's other films "Tin Men" that also deals with the same themes of unscrupulous sales people within a dog-eat-dog industry.

This movie has a brilliant script and is definitely worth watching if you like intellectually stimulating movies. It will leave you thinking about things for a long time to come.
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