One helluva lot of fun!!!!!
20 June 2006
If you're a fan of Mike Myers then this is high quality Myers oeuvre which you shouldn't miss. The film is a fine example of rom-com mayhem as one would expect from Myers, but lovely for all that (shades of "Shrek" in here perhaps?). As Charlie's (played by Myers) outrageous Scottish father Stuart (also played by Mike), Myers goes totally and hilariously over the top. During the scene in which Cop Tony (LaPaglia)is invited to tea Myers is so ribtickling that it is clearly obvious that Anthony LaPaglia is genuinely corpsing himself. Mike's wonderful delivery and arm gestures while reciting his really appalling beat poetry "Woman! Whoa-man!" is wonderfully enhanced by the sight of LaPaglia watching dressed a la "Starsky and Hutch". This is a great not-to-be-missed visual cinema moment. I have no intention of telling you the story because it really doesn't matter what the film is about. It's just great watching Myers doing what Myers does best. P.S. I have to admit that for me the funniest bit is the exchange between Cop Tony (LaPaglia) and his far too sweet and gentle boss (Alan Arkin)! Though by far and away the sexiest scene is the wedding ceremony in which LaPaglia cuts a dash in a very becoming kilt!
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