I've Got a Secret (2006– )
On its own merit, a hopeful sign for the future of game shows.
25 June 2006
When the 2006 version of I've Got A Secret(IGAS) premiered, I was as uninterested as the most critical of those commenting on this site (except the hate mongers). I had to be honest with myself and admit that it wasn't this version itself that I disliked- it was the fact that Game Show Network stopped showing the Gary Moore 50's re-reruns to accommodate it. I love old game shows and stay up til 3:30am to see What's My Line, so there's no way I was going to give this new IGAS a chance. Stop comparing this to the original IGAS and it looks a lot better. In my opinion, it's encouraging to see a game show that relies on witty banter and hokey, sometimes slightly racy tricks rather than the bug-eating, pain inflicting degradation of Fear Factor or the mind numbing simplicity of choosing suitcases as in Deal or No Deal. Panel shows are so much more engaging and civilized. Civility, by the way, was what John Daly, 50's host of What's My Line, promoted along with literate panelists like Bennett Cerf and Dorothy Kilgallen. (If only shows featured perfect grammar and diction, people shook hands and treated each other with respect- but that's another story). I see what Game Show Network was aiming for- a return to the panel format that thrives on personalities rather than jackpots or gross-out stunts. They chose a gay panel because they hoped for a team of Paul Lyndes- as a gay man myself, I have to agree that 'my people' are reliable for racy quips and frequent sarcasm. The four they chose are personable but lack the 'gay quips' needed to bring laughs. Still, I think it's a good first effort, especially considering the network's relatively small production budget. I enjoy seeing the ordinary contestants and their silly stunts because it does remind me of the good old days. It really deserves a chance and yes, maybe a change in one or two of the panelists might help. (though Frank DeCaro should stay) If all else fails, maybe they could write some comic lines for the panel.
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