I & my h.s. buddies always enjoyed this show during its brief run. I think it may have been slightly too erudite for the mid fifties.
25 June 2006
I'm surprised that nobody has done a remake or theater version of it. I think it would be perfect for David Hyde-Pierce. If Hiram was updated, he could be working for the CIA or Homeland Security. As I recall, he was an absolute master of languages & dialects & a martial arts expert (if you can accept a rolled-up umbrella as a weapon). Maybe the country isn't ready yet for a spoof of our semi-sacred national security establishment but I always think that a little black humor can be a tonic for the soul. It might even work into a video game format, although it was probably too tame for current tastes. Maybe it is better to leave it in the past when times were simpler.
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