Ultraviolet (2006)
Citizen Kane it ain't
26 June 2006
Let's be fair here. Anyone that attends a movie sporting a poster like Ultraviolet and expects believable characters, an intriguing plot and world class acting is a bit of a fool. In my experience, those scantily clad action babes with big swords aren't really famous for their Shakespearian dialogs. However, I think the reason why this one really sank like the proverbial turd in the swimming pool is that the director trusted Milla's looks to disguise the fact that there isn't really anything remotely coherent or interesting going on here. Well, maybe he managed to lure enough folks into the cinema before word got out what a mess this is.

What I find slightly irritating is that with just a little bit of effort, this could have been at least bearable. So Wimmer has the star, he has the computers, he has the money and all he can come up with is this half baked demo of fight scenes that look as if something went wrong during the editing, i.e. as if they used only the footage that was supposed to be deleted. There are so many awful things about this movie that it's impossible to list them all and hard to pick the worst scene. One of the absolute low points is undoubtedly the bike chase. You can't help but ask yourself why anyone bothered. I mean, during the test screening someone must have had the guts to stand up an let the producers know how utterly boring and pointless this is. Frankly, you suspect that the producers had nodded of at this point already, otherwise they would have canned the project there and then. Personally, I think it would have been so much more exciting (mind you it would be impossible to have it less exciting) to have Milla simply jog down the block with a villain or two in hot pursuit. Instead you get Milla on a bike in cyberspace, some inept gunmen inside two choppers that fail to miss Milla with such precision that you can't help but feel cheated.

Half the time the image screams 'blue screen' at you and at other times you simply want to fast forward cause if there is one thing worse here than the rather boring action scenes, its the utterly laughable dialog in between. Right at the beginning Milla introduces herself with 'My name is Violet and I was born into a world you may not understand.' Spot on you think a little later, as this movie fails to make any sense whatsoever. The only thing you actually understand is that in the highly unlikely event that our society deteriorates into anything remotely resembling the world of Ultraviolet, becoming a guard is not a very wise career move.
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