This Has Numerous Plots Going At Once ...
26 June 2006
... one of them is interesting. Nor do they all really mesh.

I have noticed that many of the movies falling into the "hicks nix sticks pix" type have rather complicated legal and financial transactions at their center. This one is about a legacy -- and how and why not to sell one.

How many people in 1941 knew what that even meant? Eddie Albert, always a likable performer, is the one who sells one. It's his mother's but there is a clause allowing for him to get money while she's still alive if he marries and ... Oh, forget it. That is another plot. He gets married.

He buys a company. He doesn't tell his father. He doesn't tell his father-in-law.

His grandmother, Jane Darwell, tries to help the young couple out. And she gets into quite a pickle herself.

This is neither fish nor fowl. It isn't especially funny. It isn't really romantic. And it's one of those movies in which gangsters are adorable bumbling and ostensibly cute.

As a post script, the two gangsters in question have a couple sequences that presage the two in "The Big Combo." I'm sure Anthony Quinn, who plays the boss, didn't know this. It may have been subliminal even. But it's there.
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