District B13 (2004)
Why Oh Why Can't we do this in the Britain
28 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
On seeing this film, I was struck that the first thing to come to my mind was the old Carly Simon song 'Why'.

Why is that in a country that likes to boast it has a "Film Industry" we can't make films like this. Why is it that the USA, India, Italy, Japan, China and even France; the most snobbish country on the planet when it comes to 'Culture' can make this type of film and good old Blighty can't. Why is it there can be no Light just Heavy to our films,it didn't use to be like this but somehow we just lost the art of making 'Movies' for want of a better word. By that I mean this film isn't going to win any awards it's a piece of Bubble Gum but oh what fun to have as the Pop Group Madness might say.

District 13, as its called in the UK is an action film, by the Master of the European, no France School; Luc Beeson. The film isn't as good as his other films Le Femme Nikita or Leon but it's one of the best small budget action movies in a long while.

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Set in a Dystopian Future Paris (think Mad Max styling) were the citizens live in a ghetto of crime and were the Police fear to go. Ostensible the story of two guys, one a local from District 13 who's been wrongly imprisoned and the other a Cop who are brought together to work for the French Government when a Nuclear Warhead goes missing (As they tend to do, if you will it's a bit like Escape to New York).

The beginning of the film certainly packs a punch, with a 5 minute action sequence built around the French phenomenon of 'Le Parkour' or 'Free Running'. I defy anyone not to be impressed by this sequence of stunts, which clearly had no Blue Screen/Special effects (Please note Bond Producers). From then on the action never lets up mixing Martial Arts & the Free Running. There's also plenty of Gun play for the John Woo element.

No doubt our esteemed group of UK Film critics will slaughter the film, but what do they know.

All in all this is a great film, slickly made with no stars but plenty of action.

Definitely one to see.
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