Ultraviolet (2006)
It's not meant to contain the meaning of life, for God's sake...
2 July 2006
Many people have bad-mouthed this movie for, to sum it up, its campyness.

Unfortunately, to some degree they are correct. This movie will not win any awards. Some of the movie's cast overacted, while others didn't seem to try hard enough. Some of the CGI scenes could have used a clean-up as well.

However, overall, I enjoyed the movie. Milla is always fun to watch, and she does her usual ass-kicking well; quite possibly her best action work. The kid is adorable, the villain is a prick, and I personally find the idea of riding a motorcyle up a building kinda cool. Alls well in the world. The movie is centered around futuristic vampires, it's not supposed to be realistic. Get a clue people...

I've seen people complain about her fending of a whole legion of soldiers without taking a bullet. She's, for all points and purposes, a genetically enhanced super heroine with all kinds of uberness; the impossible is ~what they do~.

For those complaining about character development, read the comic book. The same thing could be said about the X-Men movies, accept anyone who hasn't been living under a rock already knows the history of the X-Men so the development wasn't necessary. Did Storm get a chance to talk about her past as a thief and connection to some evil demon entity in Africa? No. Did Wolverine get to mention that Lady Deathstrike was at one point a love interest? No. But I don't hear anyone bitching about them. Why? Because it's already common knowledge. The point to this movie was Milla/Violet's interest in a child and how that child changes her views and perspectives. Cliché, maybe, but the movie did its job. If you want to know her life story, read a f*cking book.

It's not supposed to be rocket science. It's not supposed to be deep. It's not supposed to teach you how to be a better person.

It's supposed to be fun, action-packed, and pretty to look at. And that's exactly what Ultraviolet was.

3.5/5 - Plot holes and occasional misstep aside, still entertaining. Makes a wonderful rental.
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