Season Two
4 July 2006
Fresh off the unexpected mega-success of its first season, "Spin and Marty" re-titled itself "The Further Adventures of Spin and Marty" for the 24 episode 1956-57 season. The serials continued to be one fourth of the content of the daily "Mickey Mouse Club" show. Other serials that season were "The Hardy Boys" (20 episodes about Applegate's gold also starring Tim Considine) and "The Secret of Mystery Lake" (7 episodes).

Now best friends, Spin (Tim Considine) and Marty (David Stollery) return to the Triple R Ranch for their second summer. Marty is no longer the snooty rich kid-he has become one of the guys and pitches right in with the work. Unfortunately they have exhausted the elements of the "Marty Markham" source novel and with Marty's transformation have run out of ideas for dramatic tension. Also unfortunately Walt has taken an interest in the series and the MMC, programs he never liked but whose success he wants milked for its theme park promotion value and its opportunity to showcase young actors he hopes to use in feature films. Enter Annette and Kevin Corcoran.

Adding Annette made sense as her growing "talents" on the MMC were attracting older boys as viewers, plus Considine and Stollery are old enough to be developing an interest in girls. What this takes away from the boyhood magic of the first season is somewhat compensated for by the increase in girl viewers. Although girls watched season one (because it was part of the MMC show) only the ones who developed a crush on Considine were real fans.

The Corcoran addition was a huge negative as the producers jammed his cuteness down everyone's throat and his horrible overacting destroyed the natural charm and style so critical (in retrospect) to the success of the first season. Imagine a male version of Margaret O'Brien without any talent; minus her sparkle of intelligent self-awareness that let you know she was in on the parody embedded in her performances. But Corcoran should not get the entire blame, he was just a hammy clueless kid who took direction well. Since all episodes were produced the summer before they were broadcast, there was no way for the producers to see how badly he was hurting the show (although a visit to our school that fall would have quickly set them straight and they could have eliminated him from season 3).

In the second season they introduce a girl's riding camp (The Circle H) on the other side of the lake. An upcoming swimming competition with North Fork provides an excuse for a lot of lake time. The big event is a dance at the Triple R featuring Annette and Peggy (Melinda Plowman). Marty gets an immediate crush on Annette who plays both boys along before dumping them for a boy at the North Fork camp.

Spin and Marty have a major falling out but renew their friendship in the end and vow to stay away from girls.

Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.
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