Soundproof (2006 TV Movie)
Absolutely superb
12 July 2006
I have just finished watching the premier of Soundproof on BBC2. I decided to catch it having read a preview in one of the papers, it sounded an interesting concept, one which could be make an original stab at the typical British urban thriller.

It was hyped as being the first drama in which sign language plays a major part in the plot. The result, like watching a subtitled film, is that you rely on your eyes rather than ears to take you through the plot. The acting was simply outstanding, Jospeh Mawl showed real emotion throughout his entire body, not just a quivering lip. It brought you into the character's sense of frustration, where he could not express yourself fully when it really mattered. The plot, one of four flatmates falls from a balcony, did not twist and turn like most thrillers on the BBC (Waking the Dead and Silent Witness), it was lean allowing the actors to really explore your characters, and for the viewer to completely immerse themselves in the claustrophobic experience.
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