I Guess It's Okay Considering the Lack of Swayze
21 July 2006
For all the people who gave this film a ten, you should be rounded up and shot. I can understand a varying taste, but this film was a bomb.

Allegedly, Patrick Swayze was originally supposed to play the bar owner. I wish that had been true because that character is very awesome in this film, but pales in comparison to Swayze. Also, I find it annoying that the film needed to compensate for him absence by referencing his murder so many times. (I don't know which I find more disturbing: the over-using of references, or the fact they killed off a cinematic hero.) With Swayze gone, this film has virtually no connection to the first. It does not even take place in the same bar. In my personal opinion, writing the last few references out of the script and giving this film a new title (rather than being a sequel) might have given it some box office time. It does, however, have a midget and stars the guy from "Doom Generation".

And since the director is best known for "Cruel Intentions 3", I guess a "Road House 2" shouldn't be a shock.

The only redeeming quality to this film (besides the midget) was the humor of Jake Busey. While not supposed to be funny, seeing Jake look and act just like his father and be a rap-listening gangster was just so silly to me. Oh, and there are some nice looking girls, too, who were probably lied to about what this would do for their careers. Sorry girls, you're going straight to video.

I would say rent this if you're a die-hard Road House fan, but the truth is this film does nothing but tarnish the good name of the original. Yes, there's some great fights (the same guy gets beat up like six times) but nothing like the scenes in Road House.
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