The Amazing Screw-On Head (2005 TV Movie)
Amazing Screw-On Head is awesome!
28 July 2006
I absolutely love this show! I love the humor and the detail that was put into each character. Emperor Zombie is now one of my all time favorite animated villains, not just for his witty remarks, but he is so excellently drawn! Abraham Lincoln is also an awesome character, along with Mr. Groin, Patience, and Amazing Screw-On Head himself.

This show surprised me. I half expected it to be some odd show that I wouldn't like, but, boy, was I wrong. The show is odd, to be truthful, but it is hilarious! The story and the characters are easy to get into and understand.

This is now one of my all time favorite animated shows! The pilot on July 27th on the SciFi channel was phenomenal. I can't wait for the rest of the series.
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