Rough Sex
10 August 2006
I'm following pirate movies now. Its because of The second Depp pirate movie and its success — Success even by the Ted-o-meter in the way the environments are exploited. So I've been digging out movies featuring sailing ships and most of those are pirate movies.

This one follows the pattern set by "Black Pirate." I'm not sure if there is a strong precedent before that.

The setup is simple: you have a beautiful princess, strongwilled but privileged and arrogant (but a worthy soul). You have a pirate who forces himself on her, is rejected by our womanly prize, but she finally is "won." Sure, he is a murdering thief, but he was forced into it, you see, so his brutishness is a sort of honorable characteristic.

(Oh, she's a redhead.) Everything else is secondary to this spine, the idea of a man taking a woman and her eventually appreciating him, even though initially she finds herself in a violent, exploitive marriage.

A whole industry has been built around this notion, the idea of manliness, action and possession. So it must tap something in women. The appeal to men is easy to suss.

I saw this on a double feature with classic Bettie Page bondage films. A perfect fit, a tight knot.

Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
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