13 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Take 1 famous actress (Sandra Bullock - Speed, Demolition Man, Miss Congeniality) and 1 semi-known actor (Craig Sheffer - Nightbreed) and give them a story about the de-nuding and deforestation of the Amazon.

It looks like a made for TV movie, low production values, poor plot, poor script and poor characters - only the locations look any good. The very bad love scene between Bullock and Sheffer does not help the film at all. It was agreed in advance by Bullock what could and couldn't be seen so don't expect to see anything remotely erotic.

It was quite a surprise that Bullock died at the end leaving the lesser known actor, Sheffer to tell the story of the plight of the burning and logging of the rainforest.

Avoid it if you can, it's predictable and very stereo typed.
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