truly awful killer plant movie
13 August 2006
and i thought the mighty gorga was bad,this is worse.i heard ed wood wrote this dreck.James Craig stars as a mad scientist who goes to japan and creates a monster plant man.even though his Japanese female co-star is very attractive it doesn't save this extremely poorly made sci fi horror.James Craig as you recall was in the 1957 Bert i Gordon film;the cyclops.this is one of the movies on the 50 chilling classics DVD movie pack.which had many stinkers on it,this being one of them.its a rip off of frankenstein and day of the triffids.it features the most inane dialog ever.and the most ridiculous plant monster that looks like it wandered off the set of hr pufnstuff.one of ed woods last movies.makes plan 9 from outer space look like gone with the wind. the original title is weird; the double garden.sounds,even revenge of Dr.x doesn't sound right,people will think its a sequel to the Lionel atwill/fay wray film;Dr.x from 1932.this is'nt even a so bad its good movie.its so bad its really bad,its 90 minutes too long.awful!!!
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