Review of A.D.

A.D. (1985)
Changed My Life
15 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have a 6hr version on DVD, I have seen it many many times.

This film captures the true reality of what it means to be a Christian in the world at that time or our time right now. Its not just a film to be watched and enjoyed but a film to be studied to fine detail.

Every time I watch this film, my understanding of Christ, Christianity and my life Changes, it is such a profound film that really convays the beauty of Christianity and also the level of commitment Christianity demands.

If your a Christian this film is a much watch, if your studying Christianity it is a must Watch, if your in any way shape or form effected by Christianity This film is a must Watch. I believe everyone in the world is effected by Christianity in some shape or form, so it is a must watch for everyone.

The bible comes alive, you finish the film and you feel you know these people on a personal level, St Peter is not some unknown man who lived 2000 years ago, St Paul not a faceless authour of the epistels, these people become real and they touch you personally.

I converted to Christinity a few year ago and when I was confirmed I took the name peter and my friends have seen such a Change they often say to me what happened to the Real David, someone has snached him away and sent an alien in his place, he looks like David, sounds like David but he is nothing like David and I often use the words used by St Paul in AD at his own baptism and applie them to myself "David no longer, David is the name of another man, now dead - I am Peter" Watch this film, it is out of this world.
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