Review of Begotten

Begotten (1989)
Interesting if not for the message.
17 August 2006
It's no secret by now that I'm morbidly fascinated by the dysfunctional, which describes 'Begotten' almost too well.

Honestly, I enjoyed the presentation of the film much more than the zealot message behind it. God, Earth, Christ, blah blah...wah wah wah...done a million times before, do we need to see/hear about it again? Feh.

While the portrayal of creation was unique, I found the message still came off as overbearing and pretentious; as if the bible wasn't cryptic enough, let's make a movie that ~also~ makes no sense! Pay little heed to the reviewers out there. Wherever films like this exist there will be someone crying "Brilliant!" to hide their own confusion. If you believe you know it all, then surely the thing that proves you wrong must be of great significance!!!...or you're just an idiot. That works too.

Anyway, watch the film just to say you've seen it. Be genuinely awed by the effects achieved but also be sure to keep that fast forward button handy.
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