Minotaur (2006)
A bore, apart from the beast.
24 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I've always loved the original myth about Theseus and the minotaur and expected much of this movie, but it turned out as rather disappointing. First of all: why change the original myth about Theseus and Ariadne??! The original at least had an exciting plot in it, and in this poor adaptation simply nothing happens!! It's basically about a bunch of kids that are thrown into a labyrinth and are chased by this Minotaur creature, who kills the majority of them in apparently the only way it knows of: by stabbing them with it's giant horns. That may be exciting to watch for one time, but by the tenth time it gets very boring!

The kids are no treat to watch too, looking scruffy and filthy, and the supposed hero Theo looks like a scarecrow on a bad-hair day. That doesn't help very much to sympathize with them, and then the side-story of the priest-king and his priestess-sister doesn't add anything to the plot, it's just boring too. Only the abundant plotholes and illogic happenings sort of made it amusing to watch. And the Minotaur looked pretty decent, a sort of Alien-like head with a Rotweilers way of gallopping through the labyrinth-hallways. So I still rank it 4, just because of the looks of the creature.
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