Grave Robbers (1989)
Gore Mongral Movie Review: Crypt of Terror Double Feature DVD Cemetery of Terror/Grave Robbers
28 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Now the second movie of this set is Grave Robbers (aka Ladones De Tumbas). This film is about a Satanic Monk (catch our theme here Satan) who is trying to "mate" with a virgin to bring about the Anti-Christ. The other Monks find out his plans, put him on a torture rack and slam a big ax into his chest. Before the Monk dies though he vows revenge and states that whoever removes the ax from his chest will awaken his curse. From here a group of Grave Robbers (hince the title) strip the mortuary of its gold and happen to remove the ax from said Satanic Monk.... craziness ensues.

First the bad with this movie, it is alittle slow in the beginning, like Cemetery of Terror, however unlike Cemetery of Terror this movie gets somewhere and delivers some nice gore for the gorehounds as well as a rather cool (though unoriginal) story. This movie is an undiscovered cult film waiting to happen. I was pleased with most of the film despite some of the kills that there were some missed opportunities for more carnage, what can I say I'm a bit of a nitpicker here.

Now I gripped about some of the kills but not all as this film has some nice set pieces and a rather cool killer concept that would have been cool to see in some sequels. Just to name a few we get a decapitation, severed arm with shooting blood from its stump, several ax bludgeonings and an arm ripping out of a man's stomach displaying his inures (which was a nice gore set piece by the way). All in all some nice stuff here as well as some nice sets for this movie as well.

In closing this film will please most B Movie and Slasher fans as there is a nice amount of gruel on display. Even though it has its tendencies to drag at parts for me it never did enough to make me lose interest. With a cool killer and some nice scenes of bloodshed I give Grave Robbers: 6/10: Above Average, another Cult Flick to definitely check out.

The disk by Deimos Entertainment (BCI Eclipse) seems to have done a nice job on the transfers. Though grainy and obvious film damage is present (especially on Cemetery of Terror) they seem to have done a nice job of bring this hard to find movie combo to us. I'm not sure of Mexico's film preservation but I know it probably is not as extensive as ours. Anyway my real major grip would be that the movies are standard format and not widescreen which kind of sucks. Heck I wont complain though as I would never have got the chance to check these out probably otherwise. Also the fact that the flipper disc can be purchased for less than 10 dollars you really cannot go wrong here!!! Thats it for now and just remember if you ever find a dead body on your travels while robbing from the dead that has an ax in it's chest listen to your psychic girlfriend and do not pull it out!!! Head on over to Cemetery of Terror to see my other review for this flipper disk from BCI Eclipse
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