Biotheraphy (1986 Video)
Gore Mongral Movie Quickie: Biotherapy
28 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Pygmies have a seat class is about to begin. It's time for another review from your off the wall movie reviewer Professor Chief GoreMongral. Today we will discuss a short film called Biotherapy. A movie that most of you gore and horror movie fans in the know have probably heard of. It comes from the Land of the Rising Sun and from what I have heard it is suppose to be a fun 35 minute ride of pure goregasims (im patenting that word). Does it stack up lets take a look.

First off I must say that I searched high and low for a subtitled version of this but to my disappointment none could be found so I had to settle with the straight Japanese Language version with no subs. Now from what I can make out this film is about a scientist who has created a special formula (KFC, Coca Cola maybe) that aliens seem to be after so for the remainder of the running time we have people running from an alien that is trying to get this formula. We also get people getting there inerts rip out by an alien, a professor having his eyeball removed (very convincing effect) a new way of administering I.V.s using nothing but test tubes and 1 or 2 other unfortunate demises as well.

The question is did I like it..yes and no. I did like the convincing gore effects that were used and I think that the story was passable enough to have been stretched out into at least an 80 to 90 minute film (more on that later). The real problem I had was even though it sounds like a lot of gore for such a short time frame there sure was a lot of talking going on that unfortunately I could not understand, so I had to kind of ad lib what was going on. Subtitles really could have helped. Also as much hype going in I was really expecting a lot of wall to wall gore for 35 minutes and I got about half of that. Again the gore that was on display was nice I just wish there would have been more of it.

In closing, you get a short gore flick like this expecting a monster bloodbath. You get all the hype as being nasty but when its all said and done you get about half of what you are expecting. Again is it bad no just not as good as advertised.

6/10: Gorehounds if you have seen the best and just want to see another gore movie with well done gore effects give it a go just do not expect the "Braindead" of splatter shorts. Others need not apply. Movie needed, like the hick song says, a little less talk and a lot more action, for its running time.A longer running time could have fleshed out the talking with some more gore and SOMEONE PLEASE SUBTITLE THIS FILM!!! The version I watched was from a "special" order I put in. Like I said all the known versions have no subs. Until next time class is over !!
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