Beyond the Break (2006– )
Being from Hawaii, I see many t.v. series being filmed over
14 September 2006
here. Beyond the Break seems to be targeting a teenage group, but my mom and dad even like to watch this show. They say its because they can pick out and name all the spots where they shot the show at, like Makaha Beach, the Resort in Makaha and Richard Chamberlain's old house. (The house where the girls live) But they surf, and they also really liked the water shots, so do I. BTB also has many of the local actors in it, not just ALL mainland actors and actresses like most other shows use. Hawaii has a lot of talent here, and it's good to see this show has been smart enough to tap into the talent pool locally. I read they will be airing the second season in early January, sure hope they decide to continue 3 and 4th seasons....who knows, Maybe Kai wins the Pipe Masters (although that's all guys, but hey, look at Michelle Wie, u never know). But I think Lacey can rip too. Not too sure about Birdie, she looks kinda awkward paddling her board, like she doesn't know what she's doing. (But I think she's just learning anyway, so bravo to her for her courage). And Dawn is a trip, Ms. Paris Hilton big time. LoL Ross Thomas sure is cute, my mom thinks their all cute. Anyway, I really like the story lines and can't wait to find out what happens next. Aloha Kakou!
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