The zenith of the Shaw Brothers.. blood and guts.. bad dubbed cheese
25 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Super Ninjas is a hilariously great Shaw brother's kung fu film. It's very gory, has hilarious costuming, and very poor dubbing. easily one of the most amusing kung fu films i have seen, the first time I saw it I nearly fell out of my chair laughing, and my friend did. Two kung fu schools are about to square off in a tournament to decided which is supreme. One side, the 'good guys' wear odd and slightly homo-erotic white costumes. After 9 fights the fruity white kung fu school seems to be dominating. The 10th match is reserved for the respective masters to square off. The leader of the 'bad guys' has a Japanese samurai take his place. The Samurai is defeated but before he commits seppuku he promises his good friend, a ninja would come and take revenge for him, then he flicks a ring at the victorious Kung Fu master, the ring bruises his palm, and it is later revealed that the poison will prevent him from using any Kung Fu for six months. Sometime later the victorious Kung Fu school gets a challenge from the five element ninjas. It seems the ninja has come to get revenge for the Samurais failure. The elements are Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. The Kung Fu master decided that the challenge must be met and dispatches 9 of his best Kung Fu fighters to meet the ninjas. He retains 2 of his best men as well as scores of under-trained ninja fodder to guard the base. While the Kung Fu champs fight valiantly they are all killed fairly quickly, with the exception of the guy who fights the Earth element. He fights like a lion; he is severely wounded but continues to fight, only stopped after he trips and falls over his own free-hanging entrails. This battle sequence is awesome, very poorly dubbed and a bit cheesy but its half an hour of nonstop action and serious gore. Soon after the corpses of the fallen fighters are returned to the base, the surviving members of the Kung Fu school are shocked. They work to fortify their headquarters for the impending ninja attack. When the Ninjas attack the school is unready and most of the students are slaughtered quickly. Only the retained champions are able to put up a decent fight. They desperately defend their poisoned master, hiding in his bedroom. One of the champions' falls and the ninjas firebomb the master's room. Oddly enough the Kung Fu master responds to the fire in his bedroom by throwing all the flammable things he can find on the fire. After he throws his last blanket on the fire he is overcome by the heat and smoke and dies. the last Kung Fu champion, Tien-hao escapes, while fleeing through the woods he is caught in a rope trap set by an elderly ninja. He takes refuge with the elderly Ninja and his three sons. There he learns the ninja ways, and strategies to defeat the five elements via a great martial arts montage. Tien-hao and his three new brothers are equipped with an odd ax like weapon that is really 12 weapons in one. Armed with these weapons and skills Tien-hao pays a visit to the Ninja master whose men had annihilated his home and killed his brothers and master. A duel is set. This time the Kung Fu fighters are well trained and anticipate the Ninja's every move.

Gold: These ninjas have golden hats which double as shields.. they also launch knives. The reflective golden surfaces of the hat/shields blinds their foes. But the brothers and Tien-hao are ready using part of their multi-weapon to block the glare.. the gold ninjas are butchered once their hat-shields are destroyed.

Wood: These ninjas hide in trees and in tree costumes. This is a very hilarious battle, the ninja trees try to claw the Kung Fu warriors and hit them with throwing stars. The warriors counter by jumping into the trees and by using a scythe on a chain to grab the wood ninjas from safety. The last wood ninja is caught by a flying scythe on each hand and foot.. then in a hilarious stunt that defies all laws of physics with one combined tug by all four warriors the ninja is torn from limb to limb.

Water: These ninja use reeds and swim underwater ready to strike the Kung Fu warriors at just the right moment. Again the warriors are ready for the water ninja tricks. They pull nets out of their weapon and trap the ninjas in the water and then skewer them. Out of nowhere the warriors start skating on the water's surface to catch the last fleeing ninja.

Fire: These ninja's use smoke flares to blind their enemies. Yet the multi-weapon allows use of banners which disperse the smoke so the warriors can see. Once the flares and smoke are driven away the fire ninjas are quickly defeated.

Earth: These ninjas attack from the underground, shooting spears up through the ground to hamstring their opponents. This time the multi-weapons turn into stilts with spear bottoms that pierce the ground to kill the ninjas hiding underground. When the last earth ninja is skewered the Ninja grandmaster explodes to the surface for the ultimate showdown. Tien-hao with his 3 brothers engage the master, though they fight valiantly and with much skill the grand master ninja is too strong. Tien-hao attempts a dangerous gambit, allowing himself to be mortally wounded to get close enough to handcuff the Ninja's feet. Now bound the ninja is no match for the three brothers. The grandmaster ninja is killed, torn in half as he tries to escape, and Tien-hao lives just long enough to see that his revenge is compete.

This is an awesomely bad Kung Fu flick.. if you enjoy early cheesy gory Kung Fu films then Super Ninjas is a must see.
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